Tuesday, September 24, 2013


No one stands up 
Boys click there pens and look at the girls 
Girls play with their hare and look at each other 
Very little eye contact 

Head notes:
This is going to be interesting. I hope I don't forget people's names once I learn them. Why is no one standing. This is akward. There's no way I'm going to be the only one standing. This room is too small. What am I going to talk about. 

Things I remember later: 
I didn't remember many people's names. 
I can only really remember the first woman I met. I like her. 
Boys were more talkative and moving around.
Girls stayed in on place and just shifted weight slightly moving to the left ever so often.

Looking around the room most of the students look confused if not by there expression than by the questions that continue to flow for about 5 mis there are an on going river of uncertainty before the activity begins women twirl their hair and men seem to shift positioning and click pens i don't look behind me as to not give away that i am observing before the activity begins.Go. few shoot up from their seats egar to get up and "mingle" most slowly rise the sound of there cartilage rubbing against bone in my mind i survey and decide to approach someone still seated in the corner of the room i notice a woman older than I in a pink blouse she strikes me as timid so i approach her slowly looking her in the eye as to silently tell her she had been chosen. She avoided eye contact as to tell me that she did not want to participate and wanted the activity to be over before it had even begun, she immediately took to the defense and said that she had a hurt knee to explain why she had not moved, smiling she looks kind and her eyes reassure my presentation of timidness i had seen before she tells me her name and avoids eye contact.

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