Monday, September 9, 2013

Ohh the research posibilities

When it comes to different research topic ideas I am sure that I want it to write about one or a combination of three topics: women, law, and/or fashion. I intend to become an intellectual property rights lawyer which is a lot like entertainment law, and anyway that I can find out more about my future and what it will entail is sounds like a fantastic topic to me. Some ideas for topics that I am interested in are...
  • Women in the court room
  • Women lawyer's who are they and what do they do
    • the pressures of being a woman in a male dominated field
  • fashion in the court room
    • clothing choice and how it can effect jurors
  • Taking the LSAT
  • the pressures of being a law student
    • The life (or lack there of) of an L1 

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