Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Blog 8

Research Question: How does the interviewer (Ch) motivate/steer the interviewee (B) into answering her questions despite his reluctance? 

From my analysis of the gaming transcript it was fairly clear that the interviewee was reluctant in answering the interviewers questions. This is something in research that may often happen where an interviewer has a hard time getting there participant to really engage and participate in the interview. I feel as though the interviewer did a good job in steering the interviewee to engage in conversation.


Ch   so it's interesting, games aren't really considered software are they? Ch guides conversation

B      they are – agrees - reluctantly
B      yeah, but it's just games (laughing) games are no big deal

B      Well, just in learning how to learn a program, I just see buttons, tool tips and ah I make a go at it, the scissors mean I can cut in here, and I can just cut and drag and drop - these a simple things everyone

knows, I guess the only reason I can pick up learning a program is that I just have that knack, no other way to explain it.everybody should know
B      well like a lot of games, in the beginning, there's menus.  You don't just start playing.  There's menus, you get to customize your decal your spray, clothes, 
It's not all playing the game it's a lot of process to prepare for it, there's like box, scripts, you practice it, and you're not playing with other people, you're just like fooling around. Minimizing
B      I wasn't being graded - there's no - all right man, let's pass this class you've got to

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