Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Blog 9

I will be researching weather as a female law student, if there are higher expectations of fashion choice in the court room and how fashion effects the jury and the perception of the prospective lawyer? I would like to discover weather or not there is an excessive need for women in the courtroom to borderline obsess over there appearance in order to feel confident in their professionalism and to be taken seriously in the courtroom.

What year in law school are you?
Where do you go to law school?
Would you say there are many women in the law profession?
About how many ?
Why do you think that is so?
Have you worked or interned at a law firm?
Which one?
Where there many women?
How did they dress?
How did they carry themselves?
Do you feel as though the females in the law firm were pressured to look a certain way?
Why do you you feel that way?
Do you have any stories that relate to your career in law and your fashion choices?
About haw long would you say you take to get ready in the morning/
Would you say that you are fashion forward?
Do you think your appearance effects the type of clientele you acquire?
if so can you give me some examples?
how do you feel about skirts vs. pants in the court room?
Do you think the way you dress and present yourself effects peoples perception of you?
How so?
Have you ever felt the need to dress a certain way for the court room?
How would you define your courtroom style?
How would you define your everyday style?
IF there is a significant difference why do you think that is so?
Do you feel that the way you dress effects how people see you?
If your wardrobe was criticized would you feel the need to change?
Even if that meant leaving your comfort zone?
In your experience have you found that certain colors or styles are preferential to certain people ?
Can you give examples?

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