Tuesday, October 1, 2013


Focus: Women in the Court room

Research Questions:
  • Are women in the court room only perceived as one of two extremes: Bitch or Timid (nurturing)?
  • Are women even in the race?
    • What is probability a woman is chosen for a promotion?
    • How women "climb" the court room ladder
      • Is there more than just lies spread in the court room?  

Focus: Clothing in the court room (jury persuasion)

Research Questions:
  • Do attorneys manipulate jurors using clothing choice? For themselves? For their clients?
  • Can you really dress for success?
    • Dose the price of a suit reflect the success of the lawyer?

Who has studied this question and what do they say: (sources)
  • Sisters in law: women lawyers in modern America
  • Law and Psychology review
  • What's gender got to do with it ...
What do I need to find out to answer this question:
  • Interviews- transcriptions
  • Accessibility to women lawyers who would have the knowledge to answer questions
  • Focus group- recorded conversations
  • Chat interview
What do I need to do to gather information that will answer my question
  • Socio linguistics- analysis of court room dynamics
  • Women's perceptions
  • What men do to aid- negative & positive
  • Language Analysis
  • Pragmatics

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